Kevin Levrone Anabolic Mass - 7000 g - 35% Protein! 35% Protein! Lean Formula with Creatine!

-7% Kevin Levrone Anabolic Mass - 7000 g - 35% Protein! - Muscle & Mass Gainers

Kevin Levrone Anabolic Mass - 7000 g - 35% Protein!

Kevin Levrone Anabolic Mass is a high-quality mass gainer supplement designed to support muscle growth, weight gain, and overall size development. Each container provides 3000 grams of mass gainer powder, offering a convenient and efficient way to supplement your daily caloric intake.

Anabolic Mass is formulated with a blend of premium carbohydrates, proteins, and essential nutrients to support muscle recovery, promote muscle hypertrophy, and provide the necessary fuel for intense workouts. This mass gainer is specifically designed for individuals looking to pack on size and increase their muscle mass.

Product Highlights:

  • 42g protein per serving
  • 4 protein sources
  • ideal for building muscle and mass
  • great meal replacement in the build-up phase.

The advantages of using Anabolic Mass include increased calorie intake, enhanced muscle recovery, improved muscle size and strength, and convenient nutrition for hard gainers. With a carefully balanced macronutrient profile, Anabolic Mass provides a substantial amount of high-quality protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats to support muscle growth and replenish glycogen stores.

Anabolic Mass is typically consumed as a post-workout shake or as a meal replacement option to supplement your daily caloric needs. By providing a significant caloric surplus, it helps create an optimal environment for muscle building and weight gain.

Additionally, Anabolic Mass may contain added ingredients like creatine, BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids), and other performance-enhancing compounds that further support muscle growth, strength, and recovery.

It is important to note that individual calorie and nutrient requirements may vary, and it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian to determine the appropriate dosage and usage instructions based on your specific goals and circumstances.

As with any dietary supplement, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new regimen, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or are taking other medications.

Please be aware that the information provided here is a general overview of the product, and it is always best to refer to the product packaging or consult with the manufacturer for the most accurate and up-to-date information.


A whey protein concentrate WPC, the most universal protein in terms of application time and duration of absorption. It takes a slightly longer time for its absolute digestion, which takes 2-3 hours, and a slightly longer time to start the digestion process, which takes place around 30 minutes after consumption. It is the basic building material for your muscles that protects the anabolic processes in your body.


A whey protein isolate WPI, it is a whey protein fraction subjected to micro and ultra filtration, thanks to which the highest degree of protein concentration can be obtained in a product (over 90%). It has the highest BCAA content of branched-chain amino acids, which is no less than 25 g per 100 g! In addition, it contains no carbohydrates and fats. In combination with Optipep®, it affects the increased insulin response of the human body after its consumption. Whey isolate, just like whey hydrolyzate, is a fraction that should be consumed immediately after waking up or immediately after a workout because of its rapid absorbability. Both fractions, WPI and WPH, complement each other, with the timing of absorption and the whey aminogram of the highest bioavailability being fundamental. Due to the rapid absorption of WPI and its insulin secretion-stimulating effect, whey isolate can convert to glycogen in the body, which is lost during heavy exercise. This reaction can take place particularly when there is a lack of carbohydrates.


A primarily enzymatically degraded whey protein in the form of di- and tripeptides containing protein at a level of 90g per 100g. The hydrolysis process of whey isolate occurs as the primary digestion of the isolated protein, which is no longer required by our body to "fragment" into free amino acids in order to absorb them. Due to this fact, this fraction remains in the small intestine for a very short time and is immediately absorbed. It minimizes the risk of allergic reaction after consuming WPH. Optipep®, together with the whey isolate, has the highest absorption capacity of all protein fractions available on the market. WPH is also characterized by a high content of the necessary branched-chain amino acids BCAA, approx.  20 g per 100 g of product. As confirmed by scientific research, in addition to its immediate absorbability (amino acids appear in 10 minutes after consumption), Optipep® increases the body's insulin response, which can be used to transport other active ingredients into the muscles. The improved insulin response after consuming Optipep® remarkably improves the rate of recovery due to the correlation of the insulin effect with the rapid reconstruction of muscle glycogen when the appropriate carbohydrate dose is present at the same time. Compared to regular whey, insulin levels are up to 43% higher in the bloodstream within 3 hours of consuming Optipep®. This allows improving the absorption capacity of the hydrolyzate itself, as well as the other active ingredients that are supplied to our body during this time. What does that mean? More building material and a greater number of active ingredients such as creatinine (when you are on cycle), carbohydrates are delivered to your muscles! For this reason, this fraction is particularly recommended for people with diabetes, of course after medical consultation. The most important property of whey isolate hydrolyzate, which is Optipep®, is its fastest absorption and highest bioavailability. This fraction is best for consumption in the morning on an empty stomach and immediately after a workout when rapid resynthesis of protein is most important to immediately minimize the catabolic state.


PeptoPro® is a patented form of hydrolyzed casein from milk. It is currently one of the youngest protein fractions on the dietary supplement market, characterized by very high quality, rapid absorption and an aminogram typical of casein. PeptoPro® is a patented and patented formula in which enzymes were used that allowed to clarify the product of the sour taste characteristic of hydrolyzed products. This makes it possible to produce better tasting proteins. In addition, a product was obtained by the enzymatic hydrolysis, which has a very high degree of hydrolysis, which contains di- and tripeptides and, moreover, contains little lactose and fats and at the same time is even very soluble in cold water  . Due to their small molecular structure, di- and tripeptides can be quickly absorbed and delivered directly to the working muscles just a few minutes after consumption. As far as absorption time is concerned, whey protein isolate and hydrolyzate have a reinforcing effect and thus offer a completely different amino acid balance.


D-Aspartic Acid is an amino acid that, unlike all protein-forming amino acids, is in the D-form and not in the L-form. Of course, protein amino acids exist in L form, but due to conversion in the body, they can convert to D form  . DAA has gained popularity as an amino acid that affects the natural production of testosterone and as such it is present in anabolic products. In the studies conducted on a group of men, it was found that consuming 3120 mg of DAA in the morning caused the highest growth rate in testosterone secretion after 12 days of supplementation with this ingredient. Keeping the above facts in mind, it is recommended to consume DAA cyclically. After 12 days, a 3-day break should be taken, after which the DAA can be reinserted into the supplement.

* "The role and molecular mechanism of D-aspartic acid in the release and synthesis of LH and testosterone in humans and rats" Enza Topo1, Andrea Soricelli2, Antimo D'Aniello1, Salvatore Ronsini3 and Gemma D'Aniello3 Published: 27 October 2009,  Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 2009, 7:120 doi:10.1186/1477-7827-7-120


Taurine is a non-proteinaceous sulfuric amino acid commonly found in animal tissues. Taurine is primarily distributed in skeletal muscle, heart, brain and retina. Taurine can be synthesized during the internal transformations of cysteine ​​and methionine in the body, but its expendable origin does not satisfy the body's need for amino acids. Therefore, it must be obtained with diet. Because of its structure (sulfone group, not carboxyl group), taurine does not form peptide bonds and occurs in the body in a free form. Taurine has numerous physiological functions. It regulates the calcium concentration in the body. Taurine is a neurotransmitter and neuromodulator and is responsible for osmoregulation. It is also involved in the formation of bile acids and modulates the course of the inflammatory response. Taurine exhibits antioxidant properties by protecting muscle cells from the damaging effects of free radicals generated after high-intensity and long-term aerobic (oxygen-requiring) exercise1. This amino acid also promotes the transport of active elements to the muscles by modulating the action of insulin. It provides a pleasant feeling of "energy" without the effect of irritation or "overstimulation" of the central nervous system. It also has antioxidant properties, protects muscles from the effects of free radicals, that is, "oxidative stress" that occurs after high intensity and long-term physical exertion.

1Taurine and Its Possible Therapeutic Application Konrad Szymański, Katarzyna Winiarska, Zaklad Regulacji Metabolizmu, Instytut Biochemii, Wydział Biologii, Uniwersytet Warszawski


HMB (short for β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate) is a metabolite of the amino acid leucine, which together with KIC (α -ketoisocaproate) and isovaleryl-CoA mediates the effects of leucine. About 5% of dietary leucine is oxidized to HMB and HMB appears to be the main metabolite of leucine which is more effective in preventing muscle protein breakdown.

Compared to leucine, HMB appears to be significantly more potent on a gram per gram basis at slowing the rate of muscle protein breakdown, but is less potent than leucine at inducing muscle protein synthesis. For this reason, HMB is marketed as an anti-catabolic agent (to reduce the rate of muscle breakdown) rather than as an anabolic agent (to increase muscle mass).

HMB currently appears to be a fairly interesting supplement for the purpose of reducing muscle wasting during periods where muscle atrophy is accelerated (cachexia, AIDS, bed rest) and should theoretically work in athletes on a calorie restricted diet, but is not fully established for that role yet  ( which is a notable problem since glutamine has a large dichotomy between clinical and healthy populations).


Creatine monohydrate, one of the most famous nutritional supplements for athletes around the world with scientifically proven effects. Under physiological conditions, the human body produces creatine itself from 3 amino acids: arginine, glycine and methionine, which is further converted into phosphocreatine, which in turn is responsible for the production of ATP, the readily available energy source for intensively working muscles.


Arginine is well known among athletes as the molecule that triggers the "muscle pump" - intrinsically linked to the production and release of nitric oxide molecules in the body. Nitric oxide is an important cellular signaling molecule involved in many physiological and pathogenic processes. It is a potent vasodilator that enhances endothelial relaxation, resulting in dilation of the diameter of all blood vessels, mainly arteries. A wider artery can carry more blood and nutrients to working muscles. Arterial blood contains oxygen necessary for muscle work and supplies nutrients such as amino acids, saccharides, creatine and arginine from the outside. Nitric oxide makes transport in the body more efficient, and as a result the cells receive nutrients, but the harmful metabolites are also removed from the cells more quickly.


L-Ornithine is a non-protein amino acid (not used to make proteins) that is an intermediate of the urea cycle, and delivering ornithine to a cell is actually the rate-limiting step of the cycle. Ornithine binds with a molecule known as carbamoyl phosphate, which requires ammonia to be generated, and is then converted to L-citrulline, giving off urea as a by-product. Because of this, the conversion decreases blood ammonia concentrations while increasing urea.

L-Ornithine is believed to be important for conditions characterized by an excess of ammonia, and this is mainly aimed at hepatic encephalopathy (clinical liver disease) or prolonged cardiovascular stress. A reduction in serum ammonia levels has been repeatedly found in subjects with hepatic encephalopathy (most studies use IV fluids, although it appears to apply to high-dose oral supplements as well), while there are only two studies evaluating exercise; the one better suited to assessing the impact of ammonia (with prolonged exercise rather than acute exercise) found an anti-fatigue effect.


It is a plant extract that increases the body's anabolic state. Fenugreek steroid saponins are the precursors in the synthesis of hormones with anabolic effects, in addition, they increase the retention of nitrogen in the system, thereby stimulating the synthesis of proteins. This substance behaves similarly to insulin and lowers blood sugar levels. Fenugreek's insulin properties pump the active compounds from the bloodstream into muscle tissue. Fenugreek supplements also have nutritional and anti-inflammatory properties.

Supplement Facts:

Serving Size: 2 scoops (120 g)

Servings Per Container: 58

Amount Per Serving:

Energy 1858 kJ / 438 kcal
Fat 3.1 g
- of which saturates 1.9 g
Carbohydrate 54 g
- of which sugars 12 g
Fibre 1.2 g
Protein 42 g
Salt 0,12 g
Taurine 3600 mg
D-aspartic acid  (DAA) 1872 mg
Calcium β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate (Ca HMB) 1800 mg
Creatine monohydrate 1800 mg
- of which creatine 1800 mg
L-arginine 1200 mg
L-ornithine 600 mg
Fenugreek extract  (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) 360 mg


protein complex [whey protein concentrate 80% (from milk), buttermilk, whey protein isolate Isolac® (from milk, contain soy lecithin), hydrolysed whey protein isolate Optipep® 80 (from milk), hydrolysed casein PeptoPro® (from milk)], carbohydrate complex (maltodextrin, glucose), cocoa1, taurine, D-aspartic acid (DAA), calcium β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate (Ca HMB), creatine monohydrate, L-arginine, L-ornithine, Fenugreek extract (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.), thickener (xanthan gum), red beet concentrate, flavourings, cocoa, instant coffee, colour/s, salt.

Recommended Use:

Mix ~2 scoops of powder (120 g) with 200 ml of water or skimmed milk. Use 1 serving 3 times a day (immediately after workout and 2 times between meals).

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  • Brand: Kevin Levrone
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  • Availability: In Stock

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Tags: Kevin, Levrone, Anabolic, Mass, 7000, 35%, Protein!, Muscle, Gainers

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